
2002~2003年,在英国曼彻斯特大学腐蚀与防护中心从事博士后研究,师从R.C. Newman教授开展核电材料应力腐蚀开裂研究
1.W. Shi, T.-Z. Wang, Z.-H. Dong, X.-P. Guo. Application of wire beam electrode technique to investigate the migrating behavior of corrosion inhibitors in mortar [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2017, 134 (1): 167-175.
2.倪. 晶, 梁. 英, 蔡光义, 董泽华. 基于共聚物热解P掺杂多孔碳材料的超级电容器 [J]. 功能材料, 2016, 47 (12): 000.
3.王天正, 徐霞, 郝晋堂, 刘熙, 董泽华. 高压变电站接地网的远程腐蚀监测技术 [J]. 腐蚀科学与防护技术, 2016, 28 (2): 184-188.
4.李文婷, 潘若生, 赵苇杭, 董泽华. AA7075 铝合金应力腐蚀开裂过程中裂纹萌生和发展的电化学噪声 [J]. 中国有色金属学报, 2015, 25 (12): 3282-3293.
5.郝敬丽, 高永晶, 董泽华. 硅氧烷硫化物与铈盐复合膜对铝合金耐点蚀能力的影响 [J]. 中国腐蚀与防护学报, 2015, 35 (6): 525-534.
6.高永晶, 郝敬丽, 董泽华. 全固态钢筋混凝土 Cl-离子选择电极的制备与性能研究 [J]. 腐蚀科学与防护技术, 2015, 27 (3): 212-218.
7.刘向录, 张德平, 董泽华. 电化学氢通量法用于油气管线在线腐蚀监测[J]. 化工学报, 2014. 65(8): p. 3098-3106.
8.石维, 董泽华, 郭兴蓬, 基于希尔伯特-黄变换的电化学噪声解析及其应用, 中国腐蚀与防护学报, 2014. 34(2): p. 138-146.
9.F. Zhang, F. Xiao, Z.H. Dong, W. Shi, Synthesis of polypyrrole wrapped graphene hydrogels composites as supercapacitor electrodes, Electrochim. Acta, 114 (2013) 125-132.
10.W. Shi, Z.H. Dong, D.J. Kong, X.P. Guo, Application of wire beam electrode technique to investigate initiation and propagation of rebar corrosion, Cem. Concr. Res., 48 (2013) 25-33.
11.阮红梅, 董泽华, 石维, 陈东初, 基于电化学噪声研究缓蚀剂对 AA6063 铝合金点蚀的影响, 物理化学学报, 28 (2012) 2097-2107.
12.Y.L. Wei, Z.H. Dong, R.J. Yang, Investigation on the capacity degradation of Polypyrrole electrode as supercapacitor, Acta Polymerica Sinica, (2012) 410-417.
13.董泽华, 何金杯, 郭兴蓬, 张耀享, 环烷酸与有机硫对Cr5Mo钢高温腐蚀的交互作用研究, 中国腐蚀与防护学报, 31 (2011) 219-224.
14.H. Huang, X. Guo, G. Zhang, Z. Dong, Effect of direct current electric field on atmospheric corrosion behaviour of copper under thin electrolyte layer, Corros. Sci., 53 (2011) 3446-3449.
15.H. Huang, X. Guo, G. Zhang, Z. Dong, The effects of temperature and electric field on atmospheric corrosion behaviour of PCB-Cu under absorbed thin electrolyte layer, Corros. Sci., 53 (2011) 1700-1707.
16.Z.H. Dong, T. Zhu, W. Shi, X.P. Guo, Inhibition of Ethyleneamine on the Pitting Corrosion of Rebar in a Synthetic Carbonated Concrete Pore Solution, Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, 27 (2011) 905-912.
17.Z.H. Dong, W. Shi, G.A. Zhang, X.P. Guo, The role of inhibitors on the repassivation of pitting corrosion of carbon steel in synthetic carbonated concrete pore solution, Electrochim. Acta, 56 (2011) 5890-5897.
18.Z.H. Dong, W. Shi, X.P. Guo, Initiation and repassivation of pitting corrosion of carbon steel in carbonated concrete pore solution, Corros. Sci., 53 (2011) 1322-1330.
19.Z.H. Dong, W. Shi, X.P. Guo, Localized corrosion inhibition of carbon steel in carbonated concrete pore solution using wire beam electrode, Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, 27 (2011) 127-134.
20.Z.H. Dong, T. Liu, H.F. Liu, Influence of EPS isolated from thermophilic sulphate-reducing bacteria on carbon steel corrosion, Biofouling: The Journal of Bioadhesion and Biofilm Research, 27 (2011) 487 - 495.
21.Z.H. Dong, W. Shi, H.M. Ruan, G.A. Zhang, Heterogeneous corrosion of mild steel under SRB-biofilm characterised by electrochemical mapping technique, Corros. Sci., 53 (2011) 2978-2987.
22.Q. Hu, X. Guo, G. Zhang, Z. Dong, The corrosion behavior of carbon steel in CO2-saturated NaCl crevice solution containing acetic acid, Mater. Corros., 63 (2012) 720-728.
23.Z.H. Dong, Y.l. Wei, Characterization of Doped Polypyrrole/manganese oxide nanocomposite for Supercapacitor electrodes, Mater. Chem. Phys., 131 (2011)529-534.
24.杨尊壹,孔德杰,董泽华, 涂层钢筋混凝土电化学阻抗现场测试仪的研制,材料保护,44(2011)8:63-66
25.董泽华, 罗颖, 易宜君, 钢筋混凝土在线腐蚀监测 中护环 电极智能约束研究 腐蚀科学与防护技术, 21 (2009) 247-249.
26.张咸进, 贺诚, 刘世海, 董泽华, 基于fpga高速数据采集的电化学阻抗分析仪的研制, 计算机与应用化学, 25 (2008) 579-582.
27.胡清平, 董泽华, 柏任流, 沈翔, 冯则坤, 黄诞枫, 氧化液pH值对低温沉积Ni-Zn铁氧体薄膜的结构和磁性能的影响, 磁性材料及器件, (2007).
28.柏任流, 董泽华, 郭兴蓬, 杨全安, 李琼玮, 李明星, 基于温度补偿的电阻探针腐蚀监测原理的研究, 腐蚀科学与防护技术, (2007).
29.陈言光, 董泽华, 含氮杂环双季铵盐在高温酸性溶液中的缓蚀性能, 腐蚀与防护, (2007).
30.翟云皓, 董泽华, 母建益, 金文房, 王领, 碳钢和不锈钢在高温重质油中的腐蚀行为, 材料保护, (2006).
31.丁元力, 董泽华, 周华林, 佘海龙, 护环法在钢筋混凝土体系腐蚀评价中的可行性研究, 混凝土, (2006).
32.丁元力, 董泽华, 周华林, 佘海龙, 基于护环技术的混凝土中钢筋腐蚀监测研究, 中国腐蚀与防护学报, 26 (2006) 257-262.
33.J. Deakin, Z.H. Dong, B. Lynch, R.C. Newman, De-alloying of type 316 stainless steel in hot, concentrated sodium hydroxide solution, Corros. Sci., 46 (2004) 2117-2133.
34.董泽华, 郭兴蓬, 郑家燊, 许立铭, 16Mn 钢局部腐蚀中的电化学噪声特征, 中国腐蚀与防护学报, 22 (2002) 290-293.
35.董泽华, 郭兴蓬, 刘宏芳, 许立铭, 郑家燊, 用丝束电极研究srb微生物诱导腐蚀的电化学特征, 中国腐蚀与防护学报, 22 (2002) 48-53.
36.Z.H. Dong, X.P. Guo, J.X. Zheng, L.M. Xu, Investigation on inhibition of CrO42- and MoO42- ions on carbon steel pitting corrosion by electrochemical noise analysis, J. Appl. Electrochem., 32 (2002) 395-400.
37.董泽华, 罗逸, 郑家燊, 俞敦义, 李铁成, 管线腐蚀与防护势态的灰色评估研究, 腐蚀科学与防护技术, (2001).
38.董泽华, 郭兴蓬, 郑家燊, 许立铭, 用丝束电极研究16Mn钢的缝隙腐蚀行为, 材料保护, 34 (2001) 6-7.
39.董泽华, 郭兴蓬, 郑家燊, 许立铭, 用电化学噪声研究16Mn钢的亚稳态孔蚀特征, 腐蚀科学与防护技术, 13 (2001) 195-198.
40.董泽华, 郭兴蓬, 郑家燊, 许立铭, 碳钢在生物膜和硫化物膜下的电化学腐蚀行为, 电化学, 7 (2001) 173-179.
41.Z.H. Dong, X.P. Guo, J.S. Zheng, L.M. Xu, Calculation of noise resistance by use of the discrete wavelets transform, Electrochem. Commun., 3 (2001) 561-565.